Trusted by 100+
Schools Managining worldwide.
- 145,052+ Students
- 4,400+ Teachers
- 5,000+ Other Users
We are Offering Amazing Features
Advance System for a 360 Degree Visibility and Administration of your Institution.
Student Digital Record
Student Profile
Transport Tracking
Result Management
Exams Management
Fee Management
Course Management
Subject Management
Attendance System
SMS Alerts
Student Registration
Finance Management
Set Class Teachers
Change Student Program
Section Manager
Student Enrollment
Assign Subject
Academic Session
Visitor Management
Scholarship System
Student Card
Salary Management
Fee Discounts
Fee Collection Reports
Ledger Report
Fee Defaulters
Suspended Students
Admission Stats
Multiple Branches
Timetable Management
Date Sheets
And Counting..
To-do List
Limitless Portals
Our product is easy to use and have solutions provided to problems.
Parent Portal
Our product is easy to use and have solutions provided to problems.
Student Portal
You can trust EMS to store your data. We make daily backups to.
Staff Portal
We offer the lowest price without compromising on quality.
Customized Portal
for Other Users
Limitless User Portal allow you to create custom Portal.
Easy To Use
Our product is easy to use and have solutions provided to problems.
You can trust EMS to store your data. We make daily backups to.
Best Price
We offer the lowest price without compromising on quality.
24/7 Support
Professional and friendly staff who always ready to help you anytime.

Single System for all Plateforms !
Each and every aspect / part of the EMS has been designed for Retina Ready and Pixel Perfect graphics / display so you get extremely clear visibility even on different devices which makes EMS a truly responsive & User-friendly.
100+ Experts Trust Us
We are Constantly building features from customer feedback and want
the customer experience to be second to none.
Professionally built application software that is managing my school perfectly. Thumbs up from me.

Kashif Sohail
Principal - The National SchoolsAmazing School Management System With Very Low Cost with outstanding performance. I Love It.

Arshad Bajwa
Principal - Dreamsland Public High School LahoreEMS is helping us improving out school management. I took all our burden. Simply the best.